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马尼斯蒂县的住房需求持续增长, and if we want to see action, there are many incentives and opportunities available. 

上周,马尼斯蒂地区商会举办了一场无党派的市议会和县专员候选人论坛, highlighting the issues that impact the business community. 讨论的一个话题是马尼斯蒂县的住房危机, 这导致了来自多个行业(包括医疗保健, childcare, schools, manufacturing, hospitality, etc.) struggling to attract and retain employees. On top of that, 由于开发的失败,该县到处都是破败的建筑,无法与密歇根州的其他社区保持竞争力. Housing is a recurring issue, 我们需要马尼斯蒂市议会和我们的委员会中注重行动的领导人. 没有住房选择,我们的雇主如何吸引劳动力?

为了进一步推动我们的倡导,我们需要采取行动. 我们的领导人应该利用现有的激励措施来吸引开发商. During the Manistee City Council Candidate Forum, 绝大多数候选人和现任议员都认为,激励措施应该被视为有价值的, practical tools to encourage development. 

问:我们这个地区有很多历史建筑都推迟了维护,或者需要进行重大升级才能重新投入使用.  你是否支持制定和批准激励措施,以支持重建和创造经济机会?

Robert Barker (District 1): “当然……如果你事先给他们(开发商)一点税收的话, you’ll get it all back when the workers start coming in, when the kids start going to the schools. More families mean more teachers, you get more ambulance drivers, more firemen…everything grows when you get more people.”

Seth Pratt(第5区):有了适当的标准以确保及时的翻新期, “I definitely think that looking at TIF incentives, 以及我们所能做的一切来继续维护这些历史建筑, 是我们作为市议会和社区需要关注的问题吗.”

Glenn Zaring (District 5): “I think that, 为了帮助他们[历史建筑]得到修复或维护, 这是个好主意……用我们纳税人的钱做出了很好的贡献, to assist in that type of thing [historic preservation],” with parameters in place.

问:利用税收增量融资(TIF)和其他激励措施可以在短期内增加财产税税基, as well as the long term.  你将如何向公众传达激励的价值?

Councilmember Cindy Lundberg (District 3): “更大的前景是,通过这样做(TIF),我们正在修复建筑物,…bringing in money through what we are doing.” Lundberg concluded that “it is a really good idea, 我认为这始于与我们的地区和社区的对话.”

Chris Shilts (District 3): “This is something we should talk about,如果它对市中心的人有利,他们就应该利用它.希尔茨接着表达了对纳税人的担忧,并优先考虑低税收. 

这些激励措施在吸引开发商和鼓励他们在马尼斯蒂县投资方面发挥了重要作用. According to a 2019 Northwest Michigan Target Analysis, conducted by Housing North, 到2025年,马尼斯蒂县有足够的市场支持和925套新住房的需求. Specifically, 582 rentals and 323 owner units are needed.

税收增量融资(TIF)是一种在全州范围内使用的激励方案, 将财产税冻结在开发前的税率(基本财产价值)一段法定时间内.  开发商可以利用缴纳的税款差额来修复或开发空置地块或荒废的房产.  When the term of the abatement program is finished, often 5 to 12 years, property taxes resume at the new, higher property tax rate for the completed development.

The Manistee County Land Bank 是否有另一种工具,可以在本地发展可能难以重建的物业和地块. During the Forum, 马尼斯蒂县委员候选人和现任委员表示有兴趣利用土地银行开发住房. 该网页目前概述了土地银行的优先用途,包括“自置居所”, affordable housing, neighborhood revitalization, and returning properties to productive tax paying status.“县土地银行可以以折扣价提供房产,或者使用税收增量融资来吸引开发商投资以前被遗弃的地段或破旧的建筑. 

Another incentive is the utilization of the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority, 地方委员会促进“大量未充分利用或空置的商业和工业物业”的重建.“这使得可能受到环境污染的地方得以清理并重新投入使用.  联邦和州机构可能会提供赠款, and the tax increment financing tool can also be used.  这对开发商来说是一个巨大的帮助,否则他们可能不会决定使用这种荒废的土地.  在我们国家,有认识到并使用这些激励措施的领导人是至关重要的. 

马尼斯蒂县和市拥有使发展变得容易的工具, attractive, and as affordable as possible. 我们市议会的大多数候选人似乎都理解这些激励措施, and the next step is seeing them put into action. Manistee County needs to start using these incentives, to stay competitive with other communities, and to see results in the future. 

在商会,我们致力于使商业更容易在马尼斯蒂县. Everything is dependent on people, the more employees that live and work in our county, the more our schools, businesses, and community benefit. 通过在马尼斯蒂市议会和我们的委员会中拥有前瞻性的领导者, we can solve the housing need, 为企业提供吸引和留住熟练劳动力所需的工具. Let’s not forget our businesses pay taxes too!
The Chamber hosted the Manistee City Council and County Commissioner 候选人论坛,为选民提供一个无党派的指导,让他们了解管理我们地方政府的个人. Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. through 8:00 p.m on Nov. 8, and each vote counts!

Stacie Bytwork是马尼斯蒂地区商会的总裁兼首席执行官, a nonprofit organization. 她的技巧和战略方法使马尼斯蒂地区商会成为该州的领导者,其模式包括经济发展. She can be reached at 231-723-2575 or